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成語:食指大動(SHI ZHI DA DONG): Index finger vibrates fiercely—delicious, yummy food or dishes are hopefully waiting.
二人將進入朝門時,聽到內侍傳令宰夫(屠夫),原來有個來自楚國的人送來一隻大黿,靈公命人烹來與朝中大臣共享。公子宋和公子家在廊上看到大黿,二人相對而笑。在進謁靈公時二人臉上仍然喜形於色。靈公問他們說,“你們今天為什麼這樣高興?”公子家回答道,“今天我和公子宋入朝時,他的食指忽然顫動起來。據他說,每次食指大動,必有異味可嚐。現在我們看到堂下的大黿,想到主公必然要請諸大臣嚐黿; 到時候我們也有機會嚐到,證明公子宋的食指很靈,不覺就笑起來。”靈公笑了笑說,“靈與不靈,主權操在我手上呢! ”後來黿羹從下席派到上席,到公子宋時,正好派完了。靈公大笑說,“你的食指有靈嗎?”公子宋走到靈公座前,伸手在靈公鼎內取出黿肉吃了,說道,“我已嚐到黿味,誰說不靈?”然後就悻悻然離開了。次年公子宋和公子家密謀,以土囊悶殺了鄭靈公以報嚐黿受辱之仇。
故事英譯:During the Era of Spring and Autumn, there were Prince Song and Prince Jia (Gui Sheng), both of them were ministers in the Court of Duke Ling of Zheng State. One morning, when they went together to have an audience with Duke Ling, Prince Song’s index finger suddenly jittered, Prince Jia astonished at seeing the vibration of Prince Song’s index finger. Prince Song said,” Every once my index finger vibrated, on that day there must some delicious food waiting for me to taste. Previously I went to Jin State for serving as an envoy I enjoyed the delicious taste of grouper. Afterward when I went to Kingdom Chu for serving a mission, I tasted the dish of swan. As for today, I don’t know what delicious dish we would taste. When they entered the gate of the Court, they heard that a eunuch servant of the palace transmitted the Duke’s order to the butcher that a big terrapin, given by Kingdom Chu, would be slaughtered and cooked in the kitchen for entertain the ministers and envoys. Hearing this, Prince Song and Prince Jia could not but smile each other, and as they entered the Court and met Duke Ling their faces were still having happy smiling appearance. “Why are you so exciting today?” Prince Jia replied, “I surprised at seeing that Prince Song’s finger vibrated automatically before we entered the Court, he said that each time his index finger vibrated, on that day there must be some delicious odd food waiting for him to enjoy. Today when we saw a big terrapin was tied at the porch, so we thought that Your Majesty would let the ministers be treated with the delicious terrapin meat, and we must have the chance to enjoy it, so it proved that it’s very efficacious, therefore we were smiled excitedly.” Duke Ling laughed and said,” that Is it efficacious or not to making decision is in my hand anyway.” When the dinner started, the cook distributed the terrapin soup to every guests and from the lower seat allocating first, then upper seats one by one, when it reached to Prince Song and Prince Jia, there was just left one tri-pot of terrapin soup. The cook asked “to whom the last bowl of soup should give?” Duke Ling said, “to Prince Jia.” So Prince Song had nothing to taste. Now, Duking Ling laughed and said, “Is your finger efficacious?” Prince Song walked to the front of Duke Ling and stretched his hand into Duke Ling’s tri-pot and took one piece of terrapin meat, tasted and said, “I’ve tasted the terrapin’s meat, who can say that my finger is not efficacious?” Then he walked away angrily. In the next year, Prince Song with Prince Jia used a soil bag, suffocated and murdered Duke Ling. And Prince Song completed paying off an old grudge.
