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成語:傾國傾城(QING GUO QING CHENG): An extremely beautiful woman for whose sake a city is ruined or a country is lost; a wondrous beauty; the face that launched a thousand ships; a woman is so beautiful that the ruler would like to give up his city or reign of his empire.
故事英譯:The concubine of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was originally an entertainer girl (like Japanese Geisha). Her elder brother Li Yan Nian was an expert of music and good at singing and dancing, Emperor Wu liked him very much. Once upon a time, Li Yan Nian performed sing and dancing before Emperor Wu, while he was singing a song including the following lyrics, “There was a beauty in the North being extremely pretty and outstanding, only her one glance can ruin a city and the second glance can destroy a country. Don’t you rather know her with the prowess of ruining a city and destroying a nation, or missing the opportunity the beauty won’t be appeared again.” After hearing the song, Emperor Wu said with a deep emotional excitement,” Wonderful! Anyway, is there such a beauty in the world? “Emperor’s elder sister, Princess Ping Yang, took the chance to say,” Li Yan Nian has a younger sister, who is just such a rare beauty.” Emperor Wu let her come and take a look. Truly, she was an extraordinary beauty, and was adept at dancing. Since then, she was deeply favored by Emperor Wu and was bestowed as Madame Li. A year later, she delivered a boy who later was bestowed as Prince Chang Yi Ai.
Madame Li died of disease at young age. When she was critical condition, Emperor Wu went to see her; but she covered her face under the quilt and said, “I’m sick for very long and my feature is ugly, so can’t be seen by Your Majesty. However, I beg Your Majesty that after my death, take care of the Prince Chang Yi and my brothers.”
“You are in serious conditions, I’m afraid that it is hard to be cured,” said Emperor Wu. “Now, is it better that let me see you and face to face talk about the things of Prince Chang Yi and your brothers?”
“Woman without make-up should not see Emperor,” said Madame Li. Emperor Wu insisted to see her face once more, however, she rolled over directly her body and broke out crying and sobbing, didn’t open her mouth again. Emperor Wu left displeasingly. Meanwhile, an elder sister blamed her that she shouldn’t refuse Emperor’s request to see her once more. She said, “That His Majesty favored me so much is just because of my charming feature, if let him to see my ill appearance, he must dislike me, even discard me. In such a situation, is it possible that he would remember me and take care of my brothers? ”
