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成語:畫虎類犬(HUA HU LEI QUAN): to try to draw a tiger and end up a dog—failed because of undue ambition; try to paint a tiger and end up resembling a dog; to make a poor imitation.
釋義:比喻一個人想把事情做好,結果不但沒有做好,反而更糟,就是“畫虎類犬 ”。類似語:弄巧成拙。
用法:他想當警察不成,結果入了黑社會當了一名流氓,真是 “畫虎類犬”。
故事英譯:During the era of East Han Dynasty, General Ma Yuan, who had been bestowed as General Fu Bo, once wrote a letter to his nephews, and there was a paragraph as following, ”I hope that if someone talked about the faults of others, you should pay as attention as that somebody mentions your parent’s names. Mr. Long Bo Gao is a honest, prudent gentleman, and I hope that you should imitate his behavior. While Mr. Du Ji Liang has a conduct of righteousness and justice, however, I don’t hope that you are mimics of him, because that if you are trying to imitate Long Bo Gao, even if your imitation can’t be completed, at least you may still be a cautious man, like that a swan-carver can’t sculpt a swan completely, but he may carve a duck, he can still make a similar kind of birds. Anyway, if you failed to copy Du Ji Liang’s behavior, you are very possible to be a debauch guy, it’s just like that you’re trying to draw a tiger but end up with a dog.”
The idiom “trying to draw a tiger and end up a dog,” means that one who wants to make things better, but on the contrast he makes it worse; or one who want to be a great man but end up a rascal.
