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成語:葉公好龍(YE GONG HAO LONG); One is not sure what he really likes; one doesn’t like what he pretends to like; Ye Gong likes dragon—professed loves what one really fears.
故事英譯:During the Era of Spring and Autumn, there was a person named Chu Zhu Liang, who addressed himself as “Lord Ye”. It’s said that this Lord Ye was very fond of dragon. The walls of his home had dragon painted in them while the beams, pillars, doors, and windows were all carved with the creatures. And even on his clothes, quilt, mosquito net, dragon pictures were embroidered. When people entered his house, they felt as if to walk into a dragon world.
As a result, word of his love for dragons spread widely. The fame of his love for dragons was heard by King Dragon--the really dragon in heaven—he was deeply moved and would like to go down to the house of Lord Ye for detecting the detail situation and wanted to thank him. When the really dragon landed down the yard of Lord ye and stretched his head into the room through the window, you might think that Mr. Ye was very happy to see a real dragon. But actually at the very sight of the creature, he was scared out of his wits and ran away as fast as he could. From then on people knew that Lord Ye only loved picture or carvings that looked like dragons, but not the real thing.
This prophecy comes from the book “New Orders of Chores”. When Zi Zhang, a disciple of Confucius, went to visit Duke Ai of Lu State he induced this prophecy, because he heard that Duke Ai of Lu liked to access to scholars, so he went for thousand miles and waited for visiting Duke Ai of Lu and wanted to be allowed by Duke Ai let him stay there. However, seven days passed, Duke Ai hadn’t summoned him. He could not but left, and left this prophecy “Lord Ye likes dragon” for satirizing and teaching Duke Ai of Lu.
