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成語:青出於藍(QING CHU YU LAN): (Lit.) To surpass one’s masters or teachers in learning; green comes from blue and surpasses (or superior to) the blue; more pleasant to eyes; green born from blue but beats blue.
故事:周代有位大學者名荀況 , 他著了一本書名 “旬子 ”。在荀子這本書裡有一篇“勸學篇”, 其中有如下的敘述:青色出於藍色,但比藍色更悅目。冰是由水變成的,但冰比水更冷。這話後來變成一個成語“青出於藍”。它是一個比喻,意思是指一個學生努力研究學問,經過一段時間後,他的成就超過了老師。在“北史” 一書中有一篇“李謐傳”,其中 曾引用過這個成語,因為李謐幼兒時期請孔璠做老師;後來,孔璠反而要求李密當他的老師。所以同學們稱讚李謐說“青出於藍”。這個成語已經在中國廣為流行。它可以指自己,也可以用於別人。稱讚別人兒子的成就超過他父母,即可用此成語。
故事英譯:There was a great scholar named Xun Kuang, who wrote a book called “Xun Zi”, in which there was such a paragraph, “Green is made of blue but green is more pleasant to the eye than blue. Ice is made of water but ice is colder than water. “Green comes from Blue” in the above mentioned paragraph has become an idiom and is a metaphor that a student who studied hard for a period, then his achievement could be superior to his teacher. ” The idiom had been quoted in the section “The Biography of Li Mi” from the book “North History”, because Kong Fan used to be Li Mi’s teacher in Li Mi’s childhood, afterward, Kong Fan conversely asked Li Mi to be his teacher. Therefore, classmates of Li Mi praised him to be “Green comes from blue and surpassed the blue.” The idiom “Green comes from blue” is always widely used by Chinese, which may politely indicate oneself as the blue but the other is referred as the green; and it may refer to others, his/her son is as the green and the green comes from the blue and the green has surpassed the blue. It means that the achievement of their son has surpassed them.
