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成語:歧路亡羊(QI LU WANG YANG): Lost a sheep at the forked road; sheep will easily get lost when there are too many forked roads; one who seeks truth is apt to get lost when confronted with too many choices.
故事:楊子是戰國時期一個大學文家。有一次他的鄰居走失了一隻羊,那鄰居請了許多親朋好友幫忙去找。楊子說,“走失了一隻羊,何必要那麼多人去找呢?” 鄰人說,“因為歧路太多。不多請人,就不能分頭去找呀. ”等了一會,找羊的人都先後空手回來了。
故事英譯:Yang Zi was a great scholar of the period of Warring States. Once upon a time, his neighbor lost a sheep and asked a lot of relatives and friends to look for it. “He lost only one sheep,” Yang Zi asked, “why did he invite so many people to look for it?” The neighbor replied,“because there are too many forked roads which need a lot of people to go to find it.” Waiting for a while, every one of those of sheep-seekers came back with empty hands. “So many people went to look for the sheep,” Yang Zi asked, “why did you let a single sheep be lost?” The neighbor answered, “Because there are too many forked roads and each forked road had forked roads, so they couldn’t get the sheep and came back empty-handed.”
After hearing this, Yang Zi bowed and was depressed all day long. A student of Yang Zi asked, “a sheep of the neighbor was lost, that is not a big event and there is no any relation with you, why do you have to be so worry all day long?”
“What you said is right,” Yang Zi said. “But what I’m thinking is not the matter that the neighbor was losing a sheep, but is the way how to learn. For learning, if we have no right way, and we would study here and research there, that would waste a lot of time without reaching our aim, as a result, like that we want to find our lost sheep, we could not get it at last. ”
