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成語:水落石出(SHUI LUO SHI CHU): Water down rocks out; when the water subsides the rocks emerge; doubts will clear up when the facts are known; reach the bottom of something; the time will come to reveal the whole truth; the whole thing comes to light; when the water ebbs stones will appear; to find the source of something; to get the bottom of a matter; water surface down, rocks emerge.
故事: 這句成語的來源,一般人多認為出自蘇東坡的詞:“山高月小,水落石出。”但是,仔細分析後發現,這些句子僅是寫景,別無含義。清朝人翟灝在他所著的“通俗篇”中,收集了很多成語,俚語,並加以分類,考據其來源出處,非常廣泛而詳細。他考據出此成語來源。古代有一首 “ 艷歌行”的樂章,歌詞說,“哥兒倆,流落在他鄉。破舊的衣服沒人補,要穿新的沒人縫。有位好心的女雇主,替他們補舊又縫新。雇主的丈夫門外來,見她縫縫又補補。他靠在門邊東張又西望,看她究竟為誰忙?主婦說,‘郎君呀,你何必東張又西望?這件事你最終必然會弄清楚。’”成語水落石出實在是出自這首歌中。不過,原來的水清石見被後人改為水落石出了。
故事英譯:This idiom comes from the sentences of Su Dong Pa’s Ci (classical Chinses poetry): “The mountain is higher, the moon is smaller; when the water ebbs, the rocks emerge.” But when it is analyzed carefully, it is just describing the natural scenery, no other significance. While Di Hao of Ching Dynasty wrote a book called “Terms of Popularity “, in which he collected a lot of slangs and idioms used by people frequently, and edited by categories and researched their sources widely and in detail. Then Di Hao had found that the source of this idiom comes from a music chapter “Yan Ge Xing—to sing fabulous songs as walking”. In the song lyric, it said:
We two brothers are wandering in alien lands.
Nobody would like to mend the worn clothes of them.
Also no one is willing to make new attires for them.
A kind female employer would like to mend their old clothes and make new ones for them.
In the meantime, the husband of the female employer came to the front door, and saw her sewing and mending for the two brothers; then he leaned on the door and looked around, wanted to see whom she was busy for.
The female employer said, ‘My darling, why do you look east and west? Finally this matter I am doing would come to the light.’
Therefore, this idiom should be created from the above lyric. But the original text is: “Darling, I tell you don’t look around; when the water is clear, the rocks must be seen.” Later, people changed it as “the water subsided, the rocks would emerge.”
