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成語:三令五申(SAN LING WU SHEN): to give repeated orders and injunctions; to have ordered repeatedly (time and again); to have repeatedly issued orders; to have time and again declared; repeatedly issued orders; repeatedly orders and instructions; orders and injunctions have been repeatedly explained and warned clearly the public.
故事:春秋時代,有一位著名的軍事學家名孫武,他攜帶自己寫的“孫子兵法”去見吳王闔盧(一曰闔閭)。吳王讀過之後說,“你的13篇兵法我都看過了,能否拿我的軍隊試試?”孫子說可以。吳王再問,“用婦女來試驗可以嗎?”孫子說可以。於是召集180名宮中美女,請孫武操練。孫武將她們分為兩隊。用吳王寵愛的兩個妾作為隊長,並叫她們每人拿著一個長戟。隊伍站好後,孫武便發問,“妳們知道這樣向前、向後、向左、向右轉嗎?”眾女兵說,“知道。”孫武再說,“向前就是看我的心胸;向左就是看我的左手;向右就是看我的右手;向後就是看我的背後。”眾女兵說,“明白了。”於是,孫武便命令其左右搬出鐵鉞(中國古代殺人用的刑拘),三番五次向她們告誡。說完便擊鼓發出向右轉的命令。怎知眾女兵不但沒有依照命令行動,反而哈哈大笑。孫武見狀說,“解釋不明,交代不清,應該是將官們的錯. ”於是,又將剛才說過的話重述一遍。然後再擊鼓,發出向左轉的號令。眾女兵仍然是哈哈大笑。孫武便說,“既然交代清楚了而妳們不聽命令,就是隊長和士兵的錯了。”說完,命左右隨從把兩個隊長推出暫首。吳王見孫武要殺他的兩個愛妾,急忙派人向孫武說情。可是,孫武說,“我既然受命為將軍,將在軍中,君命有所不受。”遂命左右將兩個隊長暫了。再命兩位排頭的當隊長。自此以後,眾女兵無論是向前向後,甚至跪下起立等複雜的動作都服服帖帖,表演得很好。沒有一個人敢把軍事訓練當兒戲了。
用法: 雖然政府“三令五申”禁止販賣鴉片,可是在極優渥的利誘下,還是有人冒死販毒。
故事英譯:During the Era of Spring and Autumn, there was a famous military scientist manned Sun Wu, who took his book “The Art of War by Sun Zi” to see King He Lu of Wu State. After reading the book, King of Wu said, “I’ve read all the 13 articles of your book—Sun Zi’s Art of War, could it be tested with my army?” Sun Wu said Ok. King Wu asked again,” May it be tried with women?” Sun Wu said yes. Then, King Wu summoned 180 beautiful palazzo maids from his court and let Sun Wu test. Sun Wu divided the girls into two groups and chose two of King Wu’s favorite concubines as two leaders of the two teams, and let each one of the two leaders hold a long halberd. After the arrangement of the two teams being completed, Sun Wu asked, “Do you know how to go straight, turn right, turn left, and about-face?” All the female soldiers answered, “yes.” Sun Wu said again, “To go straight means to see my chest; to turn left means to see my left hand; to turn right means to see my right hand; to turn about means to see my back. Do you understand?” All the maids of honor replied, “Understand.” Then, Sun Wu let his retinues take out a iron Yue, (an axe-like weapon used to execute the condemned in ancient China), and gave them repeated orders and injunctions. After the warning them with the injunctions, Sun Wu ordered drummers to beat the drums loudly and gave orders to them “turn right”. However, the female soldiers didn’t not only follow Sun Wu’s order to act, but also laughed loudly. Seeing such a situation, Sun Wu said, “That the explanation was not given clearly, and the injunction may be not understood by you was not your fault, but the generals.” Then, he repeated those words that had been given to them just before. He ordered to drum again and commanded them to turn left. Those girls were still laughing. Sun Wu said, “Since the explanations and injunctions had been explained very clearly, but you hadn’t acted by the orders, that faults should be blamed to the leaders and soldiers.” After saying, Sun Wu ordered his retinues to behead the two female leaders. King Wu saw that Sun Wu would go to kill his two favorite concubines, sent men hurriedly to intercede for his two concubines. But Sun Wu said, “Since I was appointed as the general, who was in charge of the military affairs and have the right to refuse obeying King’s order.” Then, the two leaders were beheaded immediately and he appointed other two female soldiers who stood at the front of the teams as the new leaders. Since then, all the female soldiers were led by nose to Sun Wu’s orders. Despite the actions of turning right or left, even the complicated actions as kneeling down, or standing up, they could perform very well. No one dared to see the military training as a children’s play.
