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成語:一日三秋 (YI RI SAN QiU) : Day creep by like years; a day seems like three years; a day of absent from you is like three seasons; absent makes the heart growing fonder (love them even more) ; miss somebody very much; a day seems like three months of the Fall.
故事: 此成語出於詩經,王風采葛篇:【彼采葛兮,一日不見,如三月兮。彼采蕭兮,一日不見,如三秋兮。彼采艾兮,一日不見,如三歲兮。】采同採。葛是多年生植物,古人作織布原料。蕭是蒿草,有香味,古人拿來作祭祀用。艾屬於菊科,嫩葉可食,乾後可入藥。三秋有三種解釋:一說是一秋為一年,農作物,除了熱帶和亞熱帶外,一年一熟,所以三秋可以說是三年。第二種說法是三季,就是九個月。第三種說法是指秋天的三個月。
故事英譯:This idiom comes from the song of a chapter of Poem Classic, “Plucking Linen Grass in Wang-Feng (King Style) .” The original text: She was out for plucking Ge (linen grasses), I missed her, one day without seeing her seems like three months; she was out for plucking Xiao (wormwoods) ,I missed her one day without seeing her seems like three seasons; and she was out for plucking Ai (Artemisia) , I missed her one day without seeing her seems like three years.
Ge is a species of linen grass, a kind of perennial wild grasses, and the source of ancients’ clothing. Xiao is a kind of Artemisia grasses with fragrance, used to be sacrifice rites in ancient time. Ruo is a kind of the composite family and its sprouts can be used as vegetables and used to be herbal medicine as they are dried. Three falls-autumns means:
1. A fall is equal to a year, because agriculture crops reaped in autumn once a year except twice a year of some tropical or subtropical areas.
2. An autumn is equal to three seasons, nine months.
3. A fall is just indicating three months.
This is a romantic poem and the one who was missed in the poem may be a girl for in ancient times many poems were written for singing praises of love, so this poem may be the lyrics of a song which was used to show thinking of his love. The poem means that my missing love who was out for plucking linen grass; one day I haven’t seen her seems like three months. My love I’m thinking of, who was out for picking up wormwoods, one day I haven’t seen her seems three seasons. My love I’m missing was out for plucking Artemisia, one day I haven’t seen her seems like three years.
This poem is apparently indicating that a youth missed his girlfriend so deeply that one day he hadn’t seen her seems like three months, three seasons, and three years. Both of all boys and girls who are falling in love would have to be head over heels such experience deeply.
