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成語:無怨無德(WU YUAN WU DE): I have no grudge against you, and you hadn’t do me any favor; neither grudge nor kindness existed between us.
故事:春秋魯宣公12年,晉、楚兩國在邲地(今河南南鄭縣)發生戰爭, 結果晉國大敗,晉大夫知瑩被俘。知瑩的父親得知晉莊公親自領兵去救援,將楚王的兒子轂臣及大夫連尹、襄老殺死。知瑩之父建議以楚國王子及大臣連尹、襄老屍體交換知瑩回國。晉莊公答應了,就將此建議向楚國要求,楚王接受了。當楚王為知瑩舉行惜別會時,問知瑩,“你將來怎樣報答我?”知瑩答道,“我從來就沒有恨過你,陛下也從來沒有給我特別恩惠,雙方無怨無德,不知怎樣報答你。”知瑩繼續說,“以大王的威名,使我回到晉國,讓晉君親自判我死刑,雖然死了,也是不朽的。如果沾大王的恩德而免於死,晉君再用我擔任軍旅之事,防守邊疆,那時,如果與楚軍遭遇,我也不敢迴避,推卸責任。我只有盡力衛國,絕無二心,這或許就是我所報答大王的方式了。”
故事英譯:In the 12th year of Xuan Gong of Kingdom Lu during the Era of Spring and Autumn, a war between Dukedom Jin and Kingdom Chu was broken at Bi Area ( Nan Zheng County, He Nan today) and Jin was defeated utterly by Chu. As a result, the commanding officer Zhi Ying of Jin was captured. Zhi Ying’s father learned that Duke Zhuang of Jin himself had led troops to fight against Chu’s army, and killed the Prince Gu Chen of Chu and high officers Lian Yin and Xiang Lao. Zhi Ying’s father suggested that taking the corpse of the Crowned Prince of Chu and the bodies of officers Lian Yin and Xiang Lao be exchanged with Zhi Ying. Duke of Jin agreed the suggestion and noticed Chu. King of Chu accepted Jin’s request. When King of Chu took a party for seeing Zhi Ying returning homeland, said to Zhi Ying, “How will you repay me?” Zhi Ying replied, “I haven’t ever hate you, and you haven’t do special favors to me, so I don’t know how to thank you. By the prestige of Your Majesty let me return my homeland Jin, and let me sentenced to death by Duke of Jin himself, I would feel immortal even I died. If by the kindness of Your Majesty, I avoid to death and Duke of Jin would like to give me a position in military, let me to do some work for defending our national order, and once again I’ll go to combat against the troops of Chu, I would never dodge my duty, and I’ll do my best to defense my homeland without a bit disloyalty. This may be the way I’m going to repay Your Majesty.”
Being loyal to one’s homeland, pledging his life to defend his country, what Zhi Ying had done to his homeland Jin is the best example, and should be followed and admired by everyone.
