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成語:雞口牛後(JI KOU NIU HOU); to be a hen’s beak than to be an ox’s buttock—preferable to lead in petit position than following behind a greater leader; better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion; better be the peak of a hen than the tail of a cow; better be a bird’s beak than the tail of a cow’s rump.
用法:張三辭去一個大公司的高薪職位,自己開了一個小店,他說 “寧為雞口,不為牛後”。
故事英譯:A beak of a hen is the organ for eating food, while the rear part of a cow which is charged of being defecation; and comparing both of them is just an intense contrast, because the body of a hen is so small to compare with the body of a cow that is huge. Anyway, this idiom comes from the book of “The Strategy of Warring States”. In the meantime, Han State was a weak one and the King of Han was afraid of being invaded and occupied by strong Qin State; therefore King of Han rather liked to tolerate the insult from Qin State and would like to subject to Qin State as a dependent state for keeping his nation stable than opposite to Qin State.
In order to get rid of Qin’s control, Mr. Su Qin, a political lobbyist (also a strategist) exhorted King of Han to have to make his best effort to get the equal position in the international society even Han was a small nation. Therefore Mr. Su Qin took the idiom “better be a bird’s beak that the rear part of a cow to satirize King of Han who subjected to Qin State as a buttock of a cow in one hand, and encouraged King of Han pulled himself together to struggle for getting an position as an independent country like a beak of a hen in other hand. It meant that a beak of a hen is even very small but it has the opportunities to taste various delicious dishes, but the rear part (the buttock) of a cow is very huge but it is very dirty.
