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成語:義方之教(YI FANG ZHI JIAO): Instruction taught with just and righteous methods; to use suitable doctrine or teaching of morality to one\'s off-springs.
故事: 春秋時代,魏莊公次子州吁為莊公寵妾所生,所以州吁被其父母寵壞了;不喜歡讀書,刁蠻專橫,而莊公對他放蕩的行為完全不聞不問。
故事英譯:During the Era of Spring and Autumn, the second son Zhouxu of Duke Zhuang of Wei State was borne by a beloved concubine of Duke Zhuang, so Zhouxu was spoiled by his parents and disliked reading and was cunning and peremptory, and his behavior was dissolute without any limitation by his father Duke Zhuang.
“I heard that one who loves his sons should educate them with normal and righteous methods in order to prevent them going to evil ways.” A high courtier Shi Quo exhorted Duke Zhuang, “ the behaviors of Zhouxu, the son of Your Majesty, who was arrogant, , unrestrained, and over-egotistic, was easily going to an evil way. Why was there such a situation? I think that it was created by Your Majesty\'s spoil. Such ones, who love their off-springs without pride, or even they have somewhat pride but can be restrained, or although having some complaints but can control their feeling, are too seldom. Parents should love their kids, children should do their filial duty, elder brothers should take kind care to their younger brothers, and to be younger brothers, they should respect their elder brothers. “
However, Duke Zhuang refused to listen Shi Quo\'s exhortation, because honest advice is often grating on the ear. Afterward, finally an evil family tragedy was happened that Zhouxu killed his elder brother and established himself as the king.
