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成語:眾志成城(ZHONG ZHI CHENG CHENG):when people are unified with a single will, they are as strong as a city wall; unity is strength; a unified is like a strong city fortification; our wills unite like a fortress; a common will is as strong as the bulwark; collective purposes form a fortress. 出處:周朝,周鳩傳。 釋義:同義詞:眾口鑠金。比喻做一件事時,只要眾人團結一致,齊心合力,就能發出巨大力量,能夠克服萬難,達成任務,獲得成功。 故事: 周景王21年,景王突然要改革幣制,鑄大錢廢除正流通的小錢,使老百姓受到很大的損失。到23年,周景王又要蒐集民間的銅來鑄造大鐘。第二年,大鐘鑄好了,景王命人敲擊大鐘。景王聽了覺得大鐘的聲音很和諧,便對樂官周鳩說,“你聽,這鐘聲倒是很好聽的。” 周鳩是一個很了解百姓疾苦的人,對景王的所作所為早感厭煩,現在景王與他提起鐘聲的事,不禁怒從中來,便憤憤地答道,“這說不上是和諧的聲音!國王鑄造的鐘所發出來的聲音老百姓都喜歡,那才算是和諧。在這三年中,陛下製造了兩件害人的金屬品-大錢和大鐘,弄得老百姓民窮財盡,人人怨恨,我真不知道什麼是‘和諧’。俗話說,‘眾心成城,眾口鑠金’,老百姓都擁護的事情,沒有不成功的,它會像城堡一樣的牢固。反之,老百姓都唾罵的事情,沒有不失敗的,即使它堅硬如鐵,終會被消融的。” 用法:共產黨以小米步槍打敗武力強大的KMT, 是因為它站在民眾的一邊,“ 眾志成城”,所以終能成功;這是事實,不容爭辯。 故事英譯:In the 21th year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty, King Jing suddenly decided to cast big coins to substitute the small coins which were circulating in the society. The currency change caused people a great loss. In 23th of King Jing, the king made a decision to collect copper from the populace for casting a big bell. In the next year, the big bell had casted completely and let a staff kstrike it. The bell was heard by King Jing and he sensed very harmonious. King Jing said to the musician official named Zhou Jiu, “listen, the bell heard is very melodious to the ear.” Zhou Jiu was a man who understood fully the hardship very early and hated what King Jing had done putting upon the people. Now, King Jing talked with him about the bell that triggered his anger and could not but bristle with rage; and answered indignantly, “This cannot be said being harmonious! If the bell which was casted by your Majesty are favored by all people and can be said being harmonious. In the period of three years, Your Majesty had made two metal objects (big coins and big bell) which were harmful to people and caused the populace poverty-stricken and complaints are heard everywhere. I really don’t recognize what is ‘concord’. A proverb is said, ‘a common will is as strong as city fortress and public clamor can melt metals.’ There is nothing that is supported by people will not be successful, because they are as strong as bulwarks. On the contract, there is nothing that is opposed by people will not be failed, even it is as hard as metals, they will be melted in the long run. ”