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成語:倒屣歡迎(DAO XI HUAN YING): to greet a visitor to puting the heelless-shoes on back to front; to be too hurried to put on one\'s mules inversely for greeting a important visitor; a very hearty welcome.
故事英譯:A kind of ancient Chinese shoes called Xi, likes sandals, mules or house slippers today. In ancient China, before entering a room people would usually took off their heelless-shoes, then entered the room and sat on the straw mat of the ground. When the house-lord heard a VIP or a noble guest was coming to visit, he was too excited so that he got up and greet the guest, hurriedly put on his heelless-shoes inversely without perception. The idiom means that one welcomes his/her guest with a very hearty enthusiasm. This idiom comes from the story that Mr. Cai Yong greeted Mr. Wang Can at Cai Yong\'s home in East Han Dynasty.
Mr. Cai Yong was an erudite scholar and a talent in literature, and there were lots of visitors at his house, that showed a bustling situation usually. One day, Cai Yong got a report from his one servant that Mr. Wang Can of State Wei was coming for visiting. Because of that Mr. Wang Can was a great outstanding learned scholar, Mr. Cai Yong in normal times was admiring Wang Can\'s fame, so after hearing Wang Can\'s name, he was surprised and excited in his heart, and went out hurriedly to greet Wang Can, and ignored that he\'d put his heelless-shoes on back to front. That Cai Yong put on his slippers inversely has become a eternal interesting story, and the idiom “putting on one\'s shoes inversely” comes from this story, which means that one greets his/her friends or famous visitors heartily.
