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成語:拾人牙慧(SHI REN YA HUI): Pick up others’ wit or idea as one’s own; to plagiarize; to pick up and adopt others’ thoughts instead of using one’s own; offer another’s idea as one’s own pick up phrases from somebody and pass them off as one’s own pick up as other’s say (write); steal others idea (saying); pick up other’s expression or view points and pass them of as one’s own.
釋義: 凡拿別人的意見、觀點、文章作為自己的東西發表以謀自己利益者,即為“拾人牙慧”。
用法:一個英文補習班學生覺得自己的英文已經有了很大的進步,開個英文補習班沒有什麼了不起。他就照著老師店的模式在老師店的旁邊開了一間同樣的英文補習班。這個“拾人牙慧”的學生所開的補習班,不久就開門大吉了,因為他比他老師的學問、經驗、和技術都差得很遠呢 !
故事英譯:In Jin Dynasty of China, there was a man named Yin Hao, styled Shen Yuan, was an erudite scholar and good at giving speeches. He had been a general to be in charge of commanding the troops of five states: Yan, Yu, Xu, Ai, and Qing. Afterward, because of encountering a Waterloo, Yin Hao was exiled to Xin ‘an (Qu county, Zhe Jiang Province today). Yin Hao had a nephew named Han Kang Bo, who was a clever and intelligent young man, and Yin Hao loved him very much. During the period of exiling, Yin Hao let his nephew Kang Bo follow him and lived together. Once upon a time, Yin Hao found that Han Kang Bo was giving a group of audience lecture, and showed an expression of cheerfulness and confidence. Later Yin Hao said, “Kang Bo had not even got a little of my dental tartar.”
Dental tartar or tophi means that a kind of calculous material which was adhered on the teeth. The sentence that Yin Hao said “Kang Bo had not even got my dental tartar” meant that Kang Bo’s knowledge was too much inferior to match Yin Hao’s.
According this story, the idiom to pick up other’s dental tartar (idea\saying\articles\invention) as one’s own was formed.
