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成語:蛟龍得水(JIAO LONG DE SHUI): Literally: water for flood dragon (a mythical creature capable invoking storms and floods; If a flood-dragon gets water in the seas or rivers is equal to a great person who gets opportunities to fulfill his/her ambition; to be happy like a dragon in water—in the most congenial surroundings; getting a good opportunity to display one’s talent; the recumbent dragon get to the water—a bold man gets an opportunity to show his prowess.
故事英譯: In the period of North-South Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Posterior Kingdom Wei of North Dynasty was an aggressor (Xian Bei tribe ) who often invaded the South Nation (Kingdom Liang) . Now, he would go to invade the South Kingdom. In the court, the Commander-in-chief Li chong, selected the expedition commander to fight against the enemy, and a low ranking officer, named Yang Da Yan (big eyes) went to recommend himself to be the leader of the post, but refused by Li Chong. Yang Da Yan said, “General, because you don’t know my real prowess, so you don’t understand me and refused my request. Now, let me to show you some of my little Kung Fu, then you will believe me.” Then, he performed a wonderful dash at full speed, even a flying horse with full speed couldn’t match with him. Li Chong saw it and shocked by Yang Da Yan’s performance and promoted immediately Yang Da Yan as the frontier commander of the expedition.
Yang Da Yan was too ecstatic by the sudden promotion, so he said to his colleagues, “today I’m just as happy as the dragon getting in the water, and from now on I won’t stand with you at the same level of the group.” Not long afterward, Yang Da Yan was promoted to the Commander General and got many times of victory in the battle fields. He was invincible and good in military tactics, not only the soldiers of the army of Kingdom Liang (of South Dynasty) fear him but the children of North Dynasty dared not to cry as heard the name of Yang Da Yang.
