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成語:桃李無(不)言(TAO LI WU (BU) YAN): quiet but attractive; peach and plum don’t speak, but be able to attract lots of people to visit them; peach and plum do not have to talk, yet people beat a path to them; there is real ability there is fame.
故事: 世上有很多人好自吹噓,他們是多麼能幹,多麼講義氣,同時,他們是了不起的天才,多麼願意幫助人。但是,當假面具揭穿之後,他們什麼也不是,只不過是騙子而已。
西漢時代,有一位著名的將領名李廣,他曾經和北方的敵人匈奴打過70多次仗,為國家立過不少戰功。他為人禮賢下士,言行舉止謙恭謹慎。他能與士兵同甘共苦。每次得到朝廷的賞賜,他一定與部屬共享。在行軍途中,如果食物飲水缺少,他一定先讓士兵食用,然後自己才用剩餘的。因此,部屬對他忠貞不二,願意為他而死。李廣被大將軍衛青壓迫自殺而亡。當他死時,士兵都痛哭失聲。所有的人包括識者或陌生人聞到噩耗都為之流淚嘆息。根據這些事實, 漢書作者班固為李廣寫傳記時贊道, “諺云‘桃李無言,下自成蹊。’此言雖小,可以喻大。”指出李廣不自誇,卻都讚譽他高尚的品德。
故事英譯:They are lots of people in the world who always boast that they are so reliable and righteous. And they are wonderful talents and would like to help others. But as the cover was blown up, their true faces appeared, they are nothing but liars. Those who are with high moral and real ability would like really help others are truly capable and erudite. The really talents need not to blow their own horns people would naturally believe and trust them.
In the period of West Han, there was a well-known general named Li Guang, who had engaged against the northern enemy, the Huns, for advancing more than 70 battles and achieved lots of military merits for the country. He was polite to the virtuous and his subordinates. His behavior and manner was modest and cautious. He would like to enjoy pleasure with his inferiors and endure the hard life with his soldiers. Once he got the rewards from the Court, he must share them with his subordinates. On the way of marching, if food and water was short, he must let his soldiers eat and drink first, then, he used the leftover. Therefore, his soldiers would like to be loyal to him and were willing to die for him. Li Guang was forced by General Wei Qing and committed suicide. When Li Guang died, all his men felt grieving and choked with tears. People including acquaintances and strangers heard the news of Li Guang’s death, all of them wept with tears and pitifulness. According these facts, as the author of ”The History of West Han” Ban Gu edited the section of The Biography of Li Guang, he wrote admiringly, “the aphorism says ‘Peach and Plum don’t speak, but visitors made a path under them’, it is although a tiny term, but it may be compared as the great. It meant that Li Guang had not boasted and people admired him for his being super moral.
