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成語:終南捷徑(ZHONG NAN JIE JING): A shortcut or a snap course to officialdom (usually with an implication of sarcasm); shortcut to success; shortcut to high office; shortcut to royal road; the golden key to success;to get one’s aim by a special method.
用法:一天,甲指著某名校教育長的後門說, “此處有佳趣。 ”乙冷笑道,“終南捷徑”而已。乙鼓勵他兒子努力學習,以自己的實力進入此名校,絕不走後門。
故事英譯:In Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named Lu Zang Yong, who after passing the imperial examination, eagerly wanted to be appointed as an official ; so he thought out a method to back one step today for two steps forward tomorrow for achieving his aim; then he went to live in seclusion in Mt. Zhong Nan, near the capital Chang An. In the meantime, people had a queer conception that those who live in seclusion must be considered as noble scholars without greed of fame and wealth. Therefore, Lu Zang Yong especially went to reside in seclusion in Mt. Zhong Nan. Truly he was focused by the princes and dukes in the court in Chang An, and soon he was invited and appointed by the authority as a high-ranking official.
Afterward, there was another recluse named Si-Ma Cheng Zhen, who also retired from public life and lived in seclusion in Mt. Zhong Nan. The incumbent high ranking officials also invited him to be an official in the court, but Si-Ma Cheng Zheng was a really hermit who was indifferent to fame and wealth; he refused to be appointed as an official in Capital Chang An and stayed at Chang An for only several days, he would return mountainous home. When he was leaving the capital city, Lu Zang Yong saw him out of city and pointed at Mt. Zhong Nan, said, “There is somehow an attractive land.” Si-Ma Cheng Zhen said with a cold smile, “according to my view, it is just a shortcut to officialdom.” Lu Zang Yong knew that Si-Ma was satirizing him, so he cannot help but furious, anyway he could do nothing to Si-Ma Cheng Zhen.
In order to gain a post in officialdom, one, who takes such an eccentric strategy for putting all his effort, time, and energy on it, is really hard; it is although forced to be so by the contemporary circumstance, but one’s original intention and purpose should not be admired.
