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成語:空中樓閣(KONG ZHONG LOU GE): a mirage castle or building in the air—illusion; aerial castle; fantasied edifice; cloud-castle; fata morgana Sicily; ivory tower; realm of fancy.
故事:宋朝有位大學問家名沈恬,字存中,浙江潮州人,宋嘉祐年間考取進士。後來做到翰林學士的官。他學問淵博,對很多領域都很精通,包括掌故,見聞,天文,卜算,音樂,醫藥等。在他所著的“夢溪筆談”一書中有如下的一段記載:“山東蓬萊縣登州四面環海 (渤海) , 遠遠可以看到空中有城市樓台的形狀,當地人稱它叫海市。”
故事英譯:During the Dynasty of Song, there was a great scholar named Sen Tian, styled Cun Zhong , of Chao Zhou, Zhe Jiang Province, passed Jin Shi Imperial Exam (like a doctorate today) in the year of Jia You (Emperor Ren’s calendar-style). Afterward, he promoted to the post of Han-Lin official in the court. He was erudite and proficient in many kinds of science including anecdotes, news, astronomy, astrology, music, and medicine etc. There was such a paragraph in his book “Meng Xi Pen Talk” : almost the coast of Deng Zhou of Feng Lai County, Shan Dong Province, is surrounded by Sea of Bo Hai; one in Deng Zhou from late Spring to early Summer, may see the pictures of buildings of a city, and the people there called it “sea market”.
Such scenery is called by Chinese “sea market and spirit buildings.” In fact, it’s formed from that the temperature of sea water at that season is lower than the air above the water by the density of sea air. During the period of late Spring and early summer, the temperature of sea water is lower than the air above the sea water and caused the air on the water surface that the high air, the objects like far away ships, mountains, cities, or buildings are reflexed to people’s eyes, one can hence see the objects on the sea. Those objects are shadows, not real things, so called “sea market and spirit buildings.” And such scenery can be seen in desert, which is also formed by the same cause above mentioned.
