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成語:河汾門下(HE FEN MEN XIA): outstanding or extraordinary students graduated from the best school, run by the excellent teachers. Many students who had been prominent statesmen were graduated from Ivy League.
故事: 隋朝末年,有位大儒名王通,學問淵博,各種研究皆有心得。如果他想做官,那是輕而易舉的事. 但是,王通卻無意於仕途,而決心將自己的學問傳授他人,作育英才。於是,他在河汾(位黃河與汾河之間)地方設帳授學。他不但學問好,而且,教學方法也很特殊,因此從遠近各地吸引來求學的學生很多,最多可達千名以上。他致力於教學,經過一個長時間後,從他門下(學校)出來的學生都很有成就,包括房玄齡、魏徵、李靖、程元、竇威、賈瓊、溫大雅、陳叔達等,他們都是一時的“瑜亮”,後來都做了大官或大儒。因此,當時的人都說,“河汾門下” 的學生,沒有一個不出色的,也因此“河汾門下”成了一個可資借用的成語。
故事英譯:During the last years of Sui Dynasty , there was a great scholar named Wang Tong, who was a brilliant man of wide learning and had a profound result of studies. He could be an official easily, but he was not interested in officialdom, but he decided to be a good teacher, wanted to pass his knowledge to others. Then, he established a school at the area between Yellow River and Fen River to do education work. Wang Tong was not only erudite in learning, but also his teaching method was special in which a lot of students far and near were attracted by its good reputation to go to He Fen for studying in Wang Tong’s private school. He engaged to teach for a long time, the number of students reached more than one thousand at peak time. Therefore a lot of students graduated from his school had become prominent figures in various fields including Fang Xian Ling, Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Cheng Yuan, Dou Wei, Jia Qiong, Wen Da Ya, and Chen Shu Da etc. who were “Yu-Liang”, the contemporaries-representatives of the best and the brilliants in political, military, or education fields.
Afterward, all of them had become high ranking generals or great scholars; therefore in the meantime, the contemporaries at that time used to say that those who graduated from He Fen School were notable figures. Hence, “students graduated from He Fen” has become an idiom to praise some excellent schools in which there are lots of outstanding teachers and talent students.
