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成語:如獲石田(RU HUO SHI TIAN): like to get a piece of stone farm—useless, worthless.
故事:春秋末年,吳國國王夫差打敗了越國,將越國置為藩屬。後來,吳王夫差又準備起兵攻打齊國。此時,越王勾踐率領其部屬去為吳王餞行,並送許多禮物給吳王夫差及吳國許多官員。吳王和其官員都喜出望外,以為越王勾踐對吳國已經真心效忠了。只有吳國一位謀臣伍子胥抱著恐懼的心情對大眾說,“這是利用賄賂來博取我們的歡心,鬆懈我們的意志,把吳國養肥之後才宰割罷了。”於是他諫諍吳王說,“越國才是吳國心腹之患呢! 他們的領土和我們吳國的差不多,對吳國早有特別的不良企圖。他們愈表示軟弱服從的樣子,愈顯出他們內心蘊藏著陰謀。不如及早將他們徹底消滅了,否則,即使我們打贏了齊國,也只不過我們獲得了一塊石田而已。石田是不能耕種的,是無用的,無價值的。如果我們不徹底消滅越國,將來越國便會吞食我們。”吳王不聽從他的獻計,後來,吳國終於被越國消滅。
故事英譯: In the last years of Spring and Autumn Era, King Fu Chai of Kingdom Wu defeated and conquered Kingdom Yue and put Yue as its vassal state. Afterward, King Fu Chai of Wu was going to invade Kingdom Qi. King Gou Jian of Yue (the leader of the vassal state of Wu now) led a group of his important officials going to say goodbye to King Fu Chai. And King Gou Jian gave lots of gifts to King Fu Chai and his many officials, all of them were overjoyed, thought that King Gou Jian of Yue had really been loyal to Kingdom Wu. Only a counsellor and a strategist named Wu Zi Xu with a fearful sensation said to the public, ”this is taking advantage of bribe to make us joyful, loosen our will, and finally he will slaughter Kingdom Wu when we Kingdom Wu has been raised very fat.” Therefore he remonstrated to King Wu, said,” Kingdom Yue will be the really disease in our very vitals. The size of its territory is almost as the same as ours and it had very early designs against us. The more they showed very weak and submitted to us, the more they certainly concealed some plots in their heart. It is better to destroyed them completely earlier, otherwise, even we had defeated and conquered Kingdom Qi, that may be equal to get a piece of stone farm in which one can’t farm and it is useless and worthless. If we don’t destroyed Kingdom Yue drastically, then it must swallow us in future.” However, King Wu didn’t accept what Wu Zi Xu offered and afterward Kingdom Wu was finally defeated and occupied by Kingdom Yue.
During the Era of Spring and Autumn, the Court of China bestowed separately feud to vassals and as a result, it created a situation that vassals invaded and occupied one another. Till the last years of Spring and Autumn, Kingdoms Wu and Yue were similar states with aggressive ambition. Anyway, whoever of Wu or Yue won wouldn’t be pleased and pitied by the public. The saying of Wu Zi Xu was truly indicating that he was one of foresight, because it’s too far between Kingdoms Qi and Wu and even if Wu had conquered Qi, it couldn’t hold it forever, it’s just like that Wu only get a piece of stone farm—useless and worthless.
