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成語:一丘之貉(YI QIU ZHI HE): Birds of a feather; to be tarred with the same brush; people are cut out the same cloth; to be jackals of the same lair; people of the same ink; birds of a feather flock together; people of the same kind; Badgers from the same den.
故事:西漢時代,有位名人名楊惲,在他成年之前已經成了名人,因為他自幼年時有個富貴的家庭,接受良好的教養。他父親楊敞,曾經當過漢昭帝的丞相;母親是大史學家司馬遷的女兒。漢宣帝時大將軍霍光謀反,第一個人向宣帝報告者就是楊惲。事後楊惲被封為平通侯。當時在朝中作郎官的人賄賂之風極盛;富人用錢行賄,經常可以在外玩樂。無錢行賄的官員甚至一年中沒有一天休假。楊惲作了中山郎 (皇宮警衛局長)後,便將這些弊端全部革除,滿朝文武都稱讚他廉潔。但是,因為他少年得志,又有功勞,傲慢之心油然而生,結果與太僕長樂 發生衝突,而長樂是宣帝的舊友,最信賴的人。勝算當然不在楊惲這邊。
故事英譯: During the Era of West Han, there was a famous figure named Yang Yun, who had been an outstanding person before his adult age because he began to achieve excellent education and cultivation since his childhood in his rich and noble family: his father Yang Chang used to be the prime minister of Emperor Zhao and his mother was the daughter of the great historian Sima Qian, the author of the book Historical Record. In the time of Emperor Xuan, Generalissimo Huo Guang inspired against the royal court, and the first guy to report the rebelling event to Emperor Xuan was Yang Yun. Afterward, Emperor Xuan bestowed Yang Yun the title of Marquis Ping Tong. In the meantime, the mode of bribery among the courtiers in the court was prevailing, those who were rich always bribed their superiors and could go out for enjoying lavish life, but the poor officials having no money for bribing had even no a single day off in a year. Yang Yun was appointed to the head of the post named Zhong Shan Lang (garrison commander) removed all the corruption and was admired by all the courtiers and said that Yang Yun was the honest and cleanest official. However, because of that he enjoyed success since his youth age and made lots of merits in the government, so arrogance was grown in his heart unconsciously, as a result, he contracted with a powerful courtier named Chang Le, who was Emperor Xuan’s old friend and trusted courtier,and the odds of course was not at the side of Yang Yun.
Once upon a time, a guy of the Huns who surrendered to Han (China) said that Attila (King) Chan Yu had been killed by his inferiors. Yang Yu said, “People had happened to have such a stupid ruler who always refused to adopt the good plans advised him by his loyal ministers and finally lost his life worthlessly. It seems like that the monarch of Qin Dynasty in our country trusted only those villains and murdered the faithful and upright, as a result, their state was ended by another dynasty. If the Qin were not doing like that, it may be still existed today. All the monarchs from ancient to modern days trusted the villains are the same like badgers from the same den, there is no the least difference.” Because of the statement, Yang Yun was fired from the office.
From the ancient times, Monarchs who had courage to correct their errors and turn over a new leaf, and didn’t belief calumny was rare. Yang Yun being just fired should be a big fortune among misfortunes.
