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成語:一字千金(YI ZI QIAN JIN): A single word is worth a thousand pieces of gold; every word worth a gem.
故事英譯:At the last years of Warring States, there was an ambitious merchant of Kingdom Qin, named Lu Bu Wei, who had helped King Zhuang Xiang of Kingdom Qin with lots of money when he was trading in Kingdom Zhao and let his favorite concubine Zhao Ji marry King Zhuang Xiang who in the meantime was named Yi Ren ( later changed Zi Chu) and was pawned as a hostage at Han Dan of Kingdom Zhao. When Zi Zhu ascended to the throne, titled as King Zhuang Xiang of Qin and Lu Bu Wei was bestowed the title Marquis Wen Xin, and appointed as Prime Minister. King Zhuang Xiang was on the reign only three years and died; his son (delivered by Zhao Ji) succeeded to the throne,who is the most famous emperor Qin Shi Huang, and he called Lu Bu Wei respectively as the second father. The whole political administrative power was grasped totally in the hands of Premier Lu Bu Wei and Zhao Ji.
In the meantime, the mode of raising and cultivating advising guests was prevailing and thriving; the famous four princes of Warring States each of them maintained thousands of hangers-on; and Lu Bu Wei also fed three thousands of hangers-on as his think-tank, who always were trying to contribute their various schemes for solidifying Lu’s political power. Those hangers-on included all walks of life and each had their own opinion and forte. They recorded the material on paper and edited all those documents into a great book of 200 thousand words which titled “Lu’s Spring-Autumn”. Lu Bu Wei took the book as the classics of Kingdom Qin for unifying the whole China. Meanwhile, Lu Bu Wei noticed the book and set rewards at Xian Yang, the Capital City of Qin, that anyone who could add or reduce one word in the text of the book would get the reward one thousand gold (about equal to 1kg).
