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成語:一日千里(YI RI QIAN LI): Thousands miles a day—make progress at a tremendous pace; to make huge strides; to advance at a high speed; to advance at a seven league strides ; progress is with a giant strides or with great leaps forward; have a fast progress in short time; progress at seven league boots.
故事:東漢時代,山西太原有一個傑出人物,名王允,字子師,在少年時其聰穎便傳遍鄉里。當時和他同郡的大學問家郭泰,字林宗,和他見面相談之後,對王允大為折服。事後尊崇的對人說, “ 王生一日千里,王佐才也。”意思是說,王允的學問進步很快,真是一日千里,將來必定是輔佐帝王成大事業的人! 從此以後,郭泰和王允成了好朋友。
漢獻帝時,王允曾做過司徒之官。那時,適值董卓專權,挾持獻帝,荒淫兇暴,整個朝廷弄得烏煙瘴氣;老百姓也非常痛苦。 王允表面上附和他,而暗地裡結交呂布(董卓之義子,勇猛過人),密謀除掉他。後來終於將董卓刺死。但是,王允不聽呂布的忠告“除惡務盡”,結果王允被董卓的部將李催、郭氾所殺。
用法:李四稱讚張三的兒子說,你的公子真是個天才,小小年紀學業進步真是驚人,可說 “一日千里”。
故事英譯: During the Era of East Han Dynasty, in Tai Yuan of Shan Xi Province, there was an outstanding figure, named Wang Yun, Styled Zi Shi, who was especially wise and clever in his youth period and known by his fellow townsmen. In the meantime, in the same county of Wang Yun there was a great erudite master named Guo Tai, styled Lin Zong, was quite respected and overwhelmed by Wang Yun’s sagacity after meeting and talking with Wang Yun. Afterward, Guo Tai said to others respectively, “Wang Yun with such a progress must be a support talent of the emperor in future.” It means that Wang Yun’s learning was so fast seems like thousand miles a day, must be a key supporter of the emperor and a man to make a great cause. Since then, Guo Tai had made a good friend with him.
In the period of Emperor Xian, Wang Yun used to be a minister. At that time, Prime Minister Dong Zhuo was a dictator who held Emperor Xian to do what he liked to do. He was a cruel and absurd that caused the imperial court disordered and people very suffered. Wang Yun echoed Dong Zhuo on surface, but colluded with Lu Bu (Dong Zhuo’s adopted son with supper brave and strong muscle) secretly wanting to remove Dong Zhuo. And they killed Dong Zhuo finally; however, Wang Yun refused to listen Lu Bu’s exhort of sincere advice: “to rid of evil must be eradicated” , so as a result Wang Yun was killed by Dong Zhuo’s inferiors General Li Chui and Guo Fan.
