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成語:一毛不拔(YI MAO BU BA): too stingy to pull out a hair; unwilling to sacrifice even a hair for the sake of others; parsimonious; very stingy; even unwilling to give one cent; as mean as a miser; to be tight as a drum ( consider the money as one’s life ) ; not to share a cent with others; not to give away even a hair; not to lift a finger to help others; to refuse to contribute a single cent; very sparing in spending money; not a cent would be part with.
‘一毛不拔 ’的人。 ”
故事英譯:This idiom comes from the Chapter Dedication of the Book of Mencius. The original text is “Yang Zi, an Egoist, refused to do even pulling a hair that is benefiting the world.”
Yang Zi, also named Yang Zhu, styled Zi Ju, native of Kingdom Wei, was a ideologist in the Era of Warring States. Because of his egoism theory, people didn’t like him and didn’t consider his theory important therefore his life was less left in history. It’s said that he had been a student of Lao Zi; also said that he was born later that Mo Zi ( Mo Di). His writings had not been passed down, only some fragments of his works quoted in the books of Lie Zi and Mencius. His theory is “For Me—Egoism”, everything is considered for one’s own benefits, which is considered sharply with Mo Zi’s theory, that is to love universally without distinction. Because of that the Universal Love of Mo Zi is welcomed by people and the Egoism of Yang Zi is disliked by the public, Mo Zi’s theory has been passed down thriving for Thousands years while the theory of Yang Zi has been buried under the sewage sludge.
A hair is so tiny, even as tiny as a hair, but it can benefit the world; anyway Yang Zi wouldn’t give it to benefit the world. From this situation, we may know that what a stingy guy Yang zi was! Such a person with such a theory, he was of course should be looked down on by the contemporaries. But to be an idiom, its image is multicolored and its significance is profound. “A hair “is extremely small while “the world” is extremely huge, the comparison between both just showed the deep level of the selfishness.
