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成語:邯鄲學步(HAN DAN XUE BU): Lit.: learning to walk in Han Dan; imitate others and thus lose one’s own individuality; imitate another without success and lose; imitating another without success and losing what used be one’s own ability; copying for copying’s sake.
故事英譯:Han Dan was the capital of Kingdom Zhao in the Period of Three Kingdoms and the people in Han Dan were famous of being able to walk with vigorous and graceful gaits. Therefore people in neighborhood states were envious of them. The people of Shou Ling of Kingdom Yan had got the news that Han Dan’s people had wonderful walking skills. And they wanted to learn the techniques of walking techniques from Han Dan, hence many parents of Shou Ling sent their kids to Han Dan for learning their technics of the graceful gaits, and hoped that when they completed their study and returned homeland, they could teach their fellow countrymen what they learned from Han Dan. Unexpectedly those students who had studied in Han Dan for many years hadn’t even made the least progress. To make the matter worse was that they not only hadn’t learned the gait skills of Han Dan’s people but also forgot totally their own original walking methods. When they returned home town Shou Ling they could not but be like a group of tortoises, crawled toward their home place. The situation was seen by bystanders, who laughed at the returned students stealthily.
