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成語:兵不厭詐(BING BU YAN ZHA): Military commanders think that it is normal to use trickery strategy or tactics to cheat enemies; trickery is no vice in war; cheating enemies are always thought normal in war; deceit is not to be despised in war; in war there is no objection to deceit; nothing is deceitful in war; war always deceit.
故事: 從古至今,無論中外,在軍事作戰上,“欺敵”一詞,即“兵不厭詐”,是指揮官經常使用的戰術。例如:古希臘的木馬屠城;中國則有“圖窮匕見”,“聲東擊西”,及“明修棧道,暗渡陳倉 ”等故事。
東漢安帝執政時期,虞詡先生任武都市太守(市長)。有一次,他奉命領軍數千人到甘肅與羌族軍隊(中國人稱他們為胡人)作戰。在行軍開始後,他下令人員趕路,沿途每日挖掘煮飯的爐灶,並且多挖一些。前後挖了幾十個。有人問他,“從前孫臏(戰國時齊國軍師)每天減灶。齊國將軍田忌採用孫臏減灶之計,意思是每天減少兵員,以迷惑敵人。結果打了勝仗。而今天,你每天增灶,是何道理?”虞詡答道,“ ‘兵不厭詐’,敵人人數比我們多,他們的偵探看見我們每天增灶,以為我們每天都在增加兵員。便不敢跟踪追擊我們了。我們則可在他們輕敵大意的時候,攻擊他們。減灶是‘示弱’,增灶是‘示強’,情況不同,辦法也就兩樣。”結果羌族軍隊中計,遭遇失敗。
故事英譯:From ancient time to nowadays, no matter in China or in foreign countries, the term of “ cheating enemies” is always suitable and always adopted in wars. For example, Trojan Horse, a vaulting horse made with wood in ancient Greece killed all the residents of a conquered city. In China, a map was unrolled to its end and a dagger appeared; to pretended along one path while secretly going along another; shout east, hit west—make a feint to east but attack the west actually.
During the reign of Emperor An in East Han Dynasty, Mr. Yu Xu was the mayor of Wu Du City. Once upon a time, Yu Xu was ordered to leading several thousand soldiers to fight against Qiang Tribs’ army in Gan Su Province. After the march starting, Yu Xu gave order to his men being hurry on their way day and night. Along their way, they dug more cooking stove pits than the number they actually used, and they totally dug several decades. Somebody asked him, “Previously General Tian Ji of Kingdom Qi who adopted Strategist Sun Bing’s strategy to reduce the number of cooking stove pits every day for pretending to show loss of soldiers, thus it might induce enemies to have an erroneous judgement to think that Tian Ji’s personnel having to be reduced day by day. As a result, Tian Ji used the tactics and got a great victory. But now, what does it mean that you increased the numbers of cooking stove pits day by day?” Yu Xu replied, “Trickery is no vice in military operations. The amount of enemy soldiers are greater than ours, when they found that the stove pits left by us increased day by day, they must think that our men increased every day, then they would give up their pursuit after us. Reducing stoves is to show weakness, but increasing stoves is to show stronger, because the situations are different, the methods are not the same. ” As a result, Qiang troops were falling into our scheme and suffered a great loss.
