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成語:羽翼已成(YU YI YI CHENG): Having fledged; to have matured; to have become full-fledged; to have gathered enough strength; to have got over one’s salad days; the feather is in its length; to have the capability to fly.
釋義:表示一個人物:指劉邦的太子劉盈,呂后所生—漢惠帝. 已有足夠的輔佐人員及能力。也指青少年學業告一段落,然後出外謀事創業而言。
用法:張三大學畢業,要出遠門找工作。他母親不放心,但他父親卻說,他 “ 羽翼已成”,就讓他出去闖一闖吧。
故事英譯:Liu Bang, before ascending the thrown as Emperor Gao Zu of Han Dynasty, had married Ms. Lu (Later Queen Lu) and delivered a son named Liu Ying. After becoming the monarch, his wife Lu was bestowed as Queen Lu and their son was entitled as the crowned prince. During Gao Zu’s old age, he favored only Madame Qi. His Majesty and Madame Qi had a son named Ruyi, whom was entitled immediately as King Zhao after being born. In order to favoring Madame Qi, Gao Zu intended to deprive the title of crowned prince of Queen Lu’s son Liu Ying and established Madame Qi’s son Ruyi as the new crowned prince. However, many old courtiers opposed Gao Zu to change the crowned prince. So the event had not been completed temporarily. Afterward, Queen Lu adopted the stratagem of Marquis Liu, Zhang Liang, that the four old virtuous men of Mt. Shang to be assistants of Crowned Prince, the seat of the crowned prince was held to be stable.
Once upon a time, Gao Zu set a feast for treating high ranking officials and accompanied by the crowned prince, whose four assistants of Mt. Shang also escorted and attended the feast, who were all with white mustaches, eyebrows, and neat costumes. Gao Zu surprisingly their names, it turned out that they were the guys who had turned down Gao Zu’s several invitations previously. The four old men went away after toasting to Emperor Gao Zu. Gao Zu was seeing them leaving, then called Madame Qi out and pointed the backs of the four and said to her, “I originally wanted to change the crowned prince to your son, but the Four Old Men of Mt. Shang had become the assistants of original crowned prince, that was equal to the bird which wings had grown maturely and difficult to change; Queen Lu has been really your boss.” After hearing the saying of Gao Zu, Madame Qi cried out immediately. Finally Gao Zu couldn’t complete changing the crowned prince.
After died of Emperor Gao zu of Han, Queen Lu’s son, the crowned prince, ascended to the crown, being the Emperor Xiao of Han, Queen Lu got the power, she very hated Madame Qi and cut off
Qi’s four limbs and put her in a toilet room, very cruel.
