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成語:得隴望蜀(DE LONG WANG SHU): to flay a flea for its hide and tallow; to skin a flea for its hide; avarice; cupidity; to have insatiable desires; having captured Long, one hankers after Shu—discontented, greedy.
故事:“隴”是甘肅省的古名及今天的簡稱,而“蜀”是四川省的古名及今天的簡稱。甘肅位於中國的中心,而四川素稱為天府之國;兩省交壤,王者必爭。據晉書記載,東漢時劉秀打敗篡位的皇帝王莽,自封為皇,稱漢武帝。當時,大將軍岑彭曾跟隨劉秀打下天水(今甘肅天水縣),然後又聯合吳漢將軍把隗囂圍在西域。這時,佔據四川的軍閥公孫述派大將李育去援救隗囂。李育先將部隊駐紮並防守上邦(天水縣西南)。劉秀得此消息,命蓋延和耿弇兩將軍去圍攻上邦,而劉秀本人因事回首都洛陽去了。臨走前,寫了一封信給岑彭,信中有一段說,“ 汝等將西域和上邦攻下來之後,就可以率領軍隊去攻打四川的敵人。人總是不能知足。我每次發動戰爭,白頭髮就多了一些。”
故事英譯:“Long”is the name of Gan Su Province in ancient time, and the simplified name today; and “Shu” is the name of Si Chuan Province in ancient time and the simplified name today. Gan Su is located at the center of China and Si Chuan has been entitled as the land of abundance, and both bordered each other, which were the lands to have been struggled to gain by all warlord strategists. According the records in the Book of Jin, in the time of East Han Liu Xiu defeated Wan Mang, the usurped emperor, and ascended the throne by himself as the Emperor Wu of Han. In the meantime, Great General Cen Peng leading his troops followed Liu Xiu to overcome Tian Shui (Tian Shui County, Gan Su Province today), then combined with General Wu Han sieged Wei Xiao at West Territory. Meanwhile, Warlord Gong Sun Shu who occupied Si Chuan Area, dispatched Marshal Li Yu going to rescue Wei Xiao; and Li Yu let his troops station and defense first at Shang Bang (south-western area of Tian Shui county, Gan Su Province today). Liu Xiu learned the information, ordered General Gai Yan and General Geng Yan to siege Shang Bang, while Liu Xiu himself returned Capital Luo Yang for solving some problems there. Before farewell, he wrote a letter to Cen Peng, in a paragraph it said, “After overcoming both West Territory and Shang Bang, you have to go to attack the enemies in Si Chuan. People are always insatiable: since Long has been captured, then desire for taking Shu. Each time when I launched a combat, I’ll have more white hair.”
The idiom may be used in both facets, negative and positive: if it is used in one’s daily lives, it’s negative; if it is used in studying or learning that one who is insatiable should be a positive. Material life should be content, but spirit life should not be self-contented. It is said that the modest receive benefit while the conceited reap failure.
