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成語:墨守成規(MO SHOU CHENG GUI): to stick to old rules; conservative; to get into a rut; to stick to convention; stay in a rut; stubbornly refuse to innovate; hidebound; to adhere to old habits; to follow a stereotype routine; to stick in the mud; to get into a groove; to hold an established practice; to follow accustomed rules;to stick old regulations.
故事:戰國時代,楚荊王欲攻打宋國,下令叫他著名的工匠公輸般製造攻城的雲梯,以備攻城之用。主張兼愛非攻大哲學家墨子(墨翟) 得知楚荊王要攻打宋都,就立即趕到楚都郢城去見荊王。他對荊王說,“我是北方(指齊、宋等國)一個無用之人,聽說你要去打宋國,是真的嗎?”荊王說,“是的。”墨子說,“一定要有攻佔宋國的把握才能去打。如果你打不贏宋國,而且被人議論,你還會去攻打宋國嗎?”荊王說,“那樣的話,我就不去了。”墨子說,“那很好。我想你是攻不下宋國的。” 荊王當然不會聽墨子的話。墨子說,“我試作守城者,請公輸般作攻城者,看看他能不能攻下我的城,你看好不好?”荊王同意了。於是,公輸般使用他製造的雲梯連續攻打墨子的城九次,每次都未成功。後來,兩人換了角色,公輸般為攻城者,墨子為守城者。而墨子連續攻城九次,每次都攻破公輸般所守的城市。荊王發現公輸般所製造攻城的工具攻打墨子的守城不管用,就打消了攻打宋國的念頭。
故事英譯:During the Era of Warring States, King Jing of Kingdom Chu was preparing to attack Kingdom Song, and gave an order to the famous craftsman Gong Shu Ban, let him make a tower-high ladder for the use to breaching cities. Mozi(Mo Di)was a great scholar, whose theory is universal love and opposing war. In the meantime, he heard that King Jing of Chu wanted to attack Song, he went in a hurry to Chu’s capital Ying from Kingdom Qi to meet King Jing. He said to King Jing of Chu, “I’m a useless person of the North (means Kingdom Qi), I heard that you would start to attack Kingdom Song, is that true?” King Jing said, “Yes, it’s true.” Mozi said, “When you have the assurance and confidence, you may start the war, if you can’t overcome it and would be gossiped about by others, would you still go to attack Song?” King Jing said, “I wouldn’t go assail it then.” Mozi said, “It’s very well. I think that you couldn’t conquer Song. ” King Jing of course wouldn’t believe what he’s saying. Mozi said, “I’ll be the defender of the city and you order Gong Shu Ban be the attacker; and see can he breach the city, Ok?” King Jing agreed. Then, Gong Shu Ban used his siege-ladders to attack the city which was defended by Mozi. Gong Shu Ban had tried to attack Mozi’s city nine times continuously, and everyone was repelled by Mozi’s defenders. Afterward, they changed the roles: Gong Shu Ban became the defender and Mozi was the role of invader. However, Mozi tried to attack nine times, and everyone he breached the city that Gong Shu Ban defended. King Jing found that the tools which Gong Shu Ban had made couldn’t work on attacking Mozi’s defense, so he gave up the intention of invading Song.
The theory of peace-loving and anti-warfare of Mozi seems today more significant and induced its resonance of today. King Jing of Chu thought that relaying on Gong Shu Ban’s excellent siege-ladder he could conquer a capital of others, it’s wrong; He neglected that the decision of victory of failure of a war is mainly depend on “man”!
