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成語:及鋒而試(JI FENG ER SHI): to strike the iron while it is hot; to have a go when it at one’s peak; try to adopt actions when he reaches its strongest; to take advantage of its sharpest try to use it; to try while the point is sharp; to attack when army kept up high morale; to come up to the tip of bayonet and try.
用法:“及鋒而試”雖然有其利用價值,但是,準備不週,輕率從事,可能造成無法彌補的損失。1949年10月25日共軍勢如破竹,席捲整個大陸。主其事者(饒漱石)犯了驕兵必敗的毛病,認為攻打金門應該是(A PIECE OF CASE)小事一樁;他不聽陳毅的勸告,草率從事,執意攻金,結果大意失荊州,造成全軍覆沒。金門戰役影響深遠,更造成國家的分裂。直至今天,國家仍在分裂中。“及鋒而試”豈可隨意而試?兵家用兵能不慎乎?!
故事英譯:In the last year of Qin Dynasty, Qin’s army was defeated badly by Xiang Yu’s troops, and Xian Yang , the capital of Qin had been occupied by Xian Yu’s army; Zi Ying, the king of Qin and the grandson of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, was killed by Xian Yu. Then, Xiang Yu was entitled himself as West Supreme Overlord. He conferred Liu Bang, one of the powerful overlords, as King Han and let him dominate the area of Han Zhong (the southern part of Shanxi and the northern area of Hu Bei today). Other vassals were separately entitled kings. In April that year, there were no combat activities and all vassals led their troops going to their fiefdoms. King Han Liu Bang led his men and was going to fiefdom Han Zhong. In the meantime, Xiang Yu gave Liu Bang 30 thousand soldiers, and there were other 20 thousand men who were Chu’s troops and other vassals’ men preferred Liu Bang and were following Liu Bang’s group. However, when they reached Nan Zheng (southern area of Shanxi today) , Liu Bang’s capital city, many of Liu Bang’s officials and soldiers ran away, because they wanted to return their native place in the East of China. Meanwhile, General Han Xin, a general Liu Bang, said to Liu Bang, “ many vassals who had contribution to Xiang Yu have been conferred with kings, but you are bestowed such a remote area, you’re belittled. Most soldiers are coming from Shan Dong, the eastern state; they have suffered homesickness and always wanted to go home, for they have been suffering of homesickness. So you should take advantage of such a momentum to ambush Xiang Yu’s troops, and you would have the possibility of success. When the situation has been settled down, the advantage would be disappeared. I think that you are better to make a decision now to go to forward east for fighting against Xiang Yu, it’s the best opportunity to take the throne with Xiang Yu. ”
Liu Bang accepted Han Xin’s suggestion; finally Liu Bang got the last victory and ascended to the throne, becoming the first emperor of Han Dynasty.
