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成語:陳陳相因(CHEN CHEN XIANG YIN): to follow a set route; to do something conventional way; to carry on; writing without new idea; old practices; to copy or follow precedents.
釋義:原意是堆積的穀物一層一層的堆積著,完全沒有更動。 今天此成語的意義則與原來的含意完全不同了。因襲常規,沒有任何創意。或抱殘守缺,沒有任何新意。
故事:中國字 “ 陳”的一個意思是指舊穀堆滿倉庫,而新穀吃不完,文風不動的一層一層的堆積在倉庫裡。這種情況勾畫出國家的富裕興旺。當時,人民有新穀吃,所以舊穀文風不動的堆滿倉。
漢朝自從高祖建國以來已經有數十載了,而國庫逐漸豐腴起來。從漢文帝至漢武帝70 年間,政治上了軌道;除了少數地區有輕度的水患和旱災之外,可說風調雨順,老百姓豐衣足食。即使偏遠小城或鄉下地區,倉庫裡都堆滿了糧食。在首都倉庫裡,大量的方孔硬幣(古錢)用繩子串著,每串有一定的數目,堆滿官庫而長期不動,以至於繩子都腐蝕壞了。
故事英譯:One meaning of Chinese character “Chen” hear means that old grain was stored up in warehouse and new grain was piled over the old ones layer by layer. The situation depicted that the nation was very rich and prosperous. Meanwhile, People had new cereal to eat, so the old grain was piled up without consumption.
Since Han Dynasty was established by Emperor Gao Zu of Han, it had been several decades and the state treasury was replenished gradually. Because of the efforts of previous thrones the recent ruler was more affluent. During the period of 70 years between Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, the politics was on the normal track; and besides some minor floods or droughts, people were enjoying favorable weather. People were well-fed and well-clothed; even in small towns or remote rural areas, the warehouses were filled up with extra grain. In the capital treasury, a lot of coins with central square-hole (ancient money) which were strung together with threads and each string had a certain sum, and deposited in the official storehouses without using for a very long time, so the coin-threads were decayed.
Year by year, the grain in the official warehouses were pile up layer by layer; the old grain hadn’t been yet consumed, the new grain were piled up on the old ones again. Finally, the storehouses couldn’t contain the whole grain, so they were accumulated the yards, and at last, the old grain were decayed and spoiled; they could not but being abandoned。
In the streets and lanes, most citizens raised horses which walked around in swarms in the streets. Even door-guards had fresh meat and good food to enjoy. The society was peaceful and stable, and the state was plentiful and powerful. But, to Emperor Wu, who liked to engage in wars frequently, so the populace became poor, and the warehouses were becoming empty finally.
